home (old, backup)

A collection of traveling / creative / random stuff I make.

Suspiros da Bahia     

Brazil, 2023 – stories

Malaysian voices     

Malaysia, 2022 – podcast

Audio stories     

2022 – podcast


Italy, 2022 – photos

The palm project   

Italy, 2022 – drawings

Food moods  

Italy, 2021 – gallery

Au coeur du Causse    

France, 2021 – drawings

Washing lines  

world, 2021 – drawings

Aria di Spagna  

Spain, 2021 – diary

Sardinia on canvas  

Italy, 2021 – gallery

Note blu  

Italy, 2021 – gallery

Tarn by canoe      

France, 2020 – storygallery

Mural painting Su Sirboni

Italy, 2020 – video

Cent’anni di mormorii   

Colombia, 2020 – story/drawings

Travel moods   

world, 2019 – storygallery

Digiuno liquido 

Italy, 2019 – video

Liberi come il vento  

Vietnam, 2019 – story

Passaggio a livello  

Sri Lanka, 2019 – story

Midigama railway

Sri Lanka, 2019 – drawing


Spain, 2018 – story

Savannah painting

South Africa, 2018 – video

Vortice selvaggio  

South Africa, 2018 – story

Fantasmi dal passato   

Cambodia, 2017 – story

A lume di candela  

Myanmar, 2017 – story

Teatrino umano  

Laos, 2017 – story

Hello East 

South East Asia, 2017 – videoblogs

Intervista in TV 

Italy, 2017 – video

Nomade senza speranza  

Chile, 2016 – story

Una notte in più  

Uruguay, 2016 – story

Stars in Pantanal

Brazil, 2016 – painting

Paraguayan sunset

Paraguay, 2016 – drawing

Hello South 

South America, 2016 – videoblogs

Fight to follow your dreams 

Germany, 2015 – video

Shades of fall  

Germany, 2015 – storygallery

Past and present  

Balkans, 2015 – storygallery

Carezza tropicale  

Thailand, 2015 – story

Don’t wake me now 

Thailand, 2015 – video

Asian smells  

Thailand, 2015 – storygallery

Into the deep north 

Finland, 2015 – video

Primo viaggio solitario 

Ireland, 2013 – diary

I’m Laura, and I enjoy working with my creative energy to share stories, moods and emotions about things that feel worth chasing to my eyes.